Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

This group of sensors is triggered by metallic and dielectric materials. This makes them in demand in a variety of industries. Capacitive switches are used to control the level of liquid and bulk substances, to control and position mechanisms and production items, to count parts and finished products, to control the availability and filling of packaging, as well as to track the integrity of the conveyor belt.

NAMUR capacitive explosion-proof sensors

NAMUR series capacitive explosion-proof switches (sensors) are explosion-proof electrical equipment that is approved for use at facilities with an increased risk of explosion, in explosive zones, in places where mixtures of combustible gases, vapors or dust with air are capable of exploding in the presence of an ignition source, including in mining and ore production. The sensors belong to explosion-proof electrical equipment and are marked with explosion protection according to GOST R IEC 60079-0-2011 and GOST R IEC 60079-11-2010, GOST R IEC 60079-18-2012:

Capacitive level sensors

Capacitive sensors are used to monitor the level of both liquid and bulk media. They are installed, as a rule, in the side wall of the tank at a level at which detection of the controlled material is required.

All Teko products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Teko: inductive, optical, capacitive, magnetically sensitive sensors, level sensors, touch buttons, sensor accessories, explosion-proof equipment, sensors with military acceptance, conveyor automation, devices and automation tools
  • Conveyor automation Teko
    Conveyor automation
    monitoring sensors, etc.
  • Sensor Accessories Teko
    Sensor Accessories
    cables, brackets, etc.
  • Instrumentation Teko
    power supplies, meters, etc.
  • Magnetosensitive. sensors Teko
    Magnetosensitive. sensors
    level sensors, NAMUR, etc.
  • Capacitive sensors Teko
    Capacitive sensors
    level sensors, NAMUR, etc.
  • Optical sensors Teko
    Optical sensors
    slotted, tag sensors, etc.
  • Inductive sensors Teko
    Inductive sensors
    monitoring sensors, NAMUR, etc.

About Teko

TECO Research and Production Company is a dynamically developing company in the market of sensors for industrial automation. The main task of the organization is the development, design, production and sale of sensors and devices.

    Design and manufacture of devices and equipment for industrial automation systems. The main products of the company are contactless switches: inductive, capacitive, optical and magnetically sensitive sensors.

    The range of products supplied by the Company "TEKO" to the market is more than 7,500 names of contactless sensors, inductive, optical, capacitive, etc.

    According to its technical characteristics, TECO products are on a par with the products of BALLUFF, TURCK, FESTO, OMRON, SIEMENS. The company has a certified quality management system that meets the ISO 9001: 2000 / EN ISO 9001: 2000 standards.

Information Board Teko

Learn more about our products Teko.
  • Price list for products of the plant Teko
    Price list for products
  • Products  TEKO in stock
    Products TEKO in stock
  • TEKO product catalog поставщика Теко
    TEKO product catalog


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